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Buddhist temple in Burma. During WWII.
Remains of Buddhist temple in Burma. During WWII.
GIs sit on Buddha statue in remains of Buddhist temple in Burma. During WWII.
Services at a church in Burma. A western priest leads the ceremony. In Burma near the 797th Engineer Forestry Company. During WWII.
A church in Burma. In Burma near the 797th Engineer Forestry Company. During WWII.
A church in Burma built with round river stones. In Burma near the 797th Engineer Forestry Company. During WWII.
The Qing Dynasty Catholic church St. Michael's Church in Hanzhong (Hanchung), during WWII (清汉中圣弥额尔天主堂).
An elaborate temple. Scenes in India witnessed by American GIs during WWII. For many Americans of that era, with their limited experience traveling, the everyday sights and sounds overseas were new, intriguing, and photo worthy.
Temple complex and architecture in India, at the large Jagannath Temple of Odisha complex (Hindu) in India. Scenes in India witnessed by American GIs during WWII. For many Americans of that era, with their limited experience traveling, the everyday sights and sounds overseas were new, intriguing, and photo worthy.
Small ornate altar. Scenes in India witnessed by American GIs during WWII. For many Americans of that era, with their limited experience traveling, the everyday sights and sounds overseas were new, intriguing, and photo worthy.