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Hong Kong 香港

Single page letter to Casey Vincent (68th Composite Wing, APO 430) from Gen. Chennault on October 26, 1944 discussing air strikes on Hong Kong. From the U.S. Government sources.
Page 2 of a letter to 'Dick' from 'Harry' talking about bombing and other air-attack missions. From the U.S. Government sources.
Shows intense activity in the Hong Kong raid - B-24's came in high - we came in just above water - Heavy cloud to right top of photo is from B-24 bombs. From an October 16, 1944, mission on Hong Kong, 491st Bomb Squadron. Click here for a detailed description of this mission.
"#2 Hong Kong Harbor - shows bombs exploding - pictures was taken by Tsgt Volmer - tailgunner." From an October 16, 1944, mission on Hong Kong, 491st Bomb Squadron. Click here for a detailed description of this mission.
"Hong Kong Harbor, scene 1 &2, Large freighter, Just came across the harbor about 10' above the water firing B25H canon of nose guns, you can see where skip bombs hit close as I cleared over the mast (next) and you can see sailors running on the deck - the ship sink confirmed by photo-recon after the strike. Heavy flak...
Near miss on a Japanese freighter, with white-suited Japanese sailors scrambling about the deck. From an October 16, 1944, mission on Hong Kong, 491st Bomb Squadron. Click here for a detailed description of this mission.
Peter Fensel 22nd sg. Jim Flanagan 491st, Dan Loring 11sg (left to right) . Vicki II was Pete's airplane (re-ferried from U.S.) James Flanagan, pilot/Ops Officer 491st Bm Sq, then Ops Officer 341st Bm Grp. Jim was leader of the four 491st B-25s which, along with 4 11th Squadron planes led by Dan Loring (mission leader) departed Luichow (Liuzhou) on...
American planes bomb Japanese military shipping in occupied Hong Kong harbor, during WWII.