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A funeral parade in a small town in China during WWII.
Chinese pedestrians cross arched stone bridge in SW China during WWII.
'Image from the collection of Douglas Runk. If you recognize the people, place, time, or have other information related to the photo above, please use the \'Provide Info\' function (below) to contribute that information to us. Together we can document this history for future generations.For more about Douglas Runk, please click here'
Douglas Runk holding a machete in SW China during WWII.
Douglas Runk (top image) lays out his gear, including a pistol, somewhere in SW China during WWII. The lower image might be another GI. The symbol painted on the middle under the jeep's windscreen indicates US Army's Y-FOS liaison team attached to Chinese Y-Force.
' Image from the collection of Douglas Runk. If you recognize the people, place, time, or have other information related to the photo above, please use the \'Provide Info\' function (below) to contribute that information to us. Together we can document this history for future generations. For more about Douglas Runk, please click here '
'Image from the collection of Douglas Runk. If you recognize the people, place, time, or have other information related to the photo above, please use the \'Provide Info\' function (below) to contribute that information to us. Together we can document this history for future generations.For more about Douglas Runk, please click here'
'Image from the collection of Douglas Runk. If you recognize the people, place, time, or have other information related to the photo above, please use the \'Provide Info\' function (below) to contribute that information to us. Together we can document this history for future generations.For more about Douglas Runk, please click here'
GIs on ship on the way back to the US after the war. The ship is probably the SS Marine Raven.
GIs getting a meal at mess on ship on the way back to the US after the war. The ship is probably the SS Marine Raven.